Target Advisory is a nongovernmental commercial company based in Switzerland and operating globally. It is woman owned and run.
Born out of family with deep artistic roots and in a period marred by significant events (the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Gulf War, the War in Yugoslavia…), Target Advisory’s creator was from a young age interested in understanding the reasons and causes behind events happening all around the world. Consequently, she studied history, art history and international law as well as Security Sector Reform (SSR). She thereafter spent years in conflict-affected countries, gathering technical knowledge in demining and C-IED activities. Target Advisory, created in 2024, reflects this cross-sector experience and therefore adopts a multi-perspective approach (cultural, historical, technical) in order to promote stabilization efforts, project management and capacity development as a way to prevent conflicts.
Sectors of activities
Target Advisory is focusing its activities in three different sectors:
Culture, International Relations, C-IED
Primary activities
Research and analysis, conduct of preliminary research
‘Study on the Diversion of Materials Used to Make Improvised Explosive Devices by Non-State Armed Groups in the Liptako-Gourma Region’ (UNMAS and Small Arms Survey, 2022)
‘Security Sector Reform or Restructuring? An analysis of twenty-two years of police reform process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1995-2017’ (IHEID, 2017)
'Historical origins of the present crisis: Congolese refugees and migrants in Cape Town, 1993-2008’ (University of Cape Town, 2008)
Coordinator for the elaboration of the National C-IED strategy, Burkina Faso (2022-2023)
Project manager and lead researcher for a study on the trafficking and diversion of IED components in the Liptako-Gourma region for UNMAS and Small Arms Survey, 2022
Project assistant and researcher on the trafficking and diversion of IED Components in West Africa for Small Arms Survey (Geneva), 2018-2022
Co-organizer of the art exhibition Open End (Geneva), 2016
Co-owner of the Dirt Contemporary art gallery (Cape Town), 2003-2004
Advise to governmental and nongovernmental entities for the development of national and international C-IED strategies and tool
Advisor to the National Commission on Small Arms Light Weapons of Burkina Faso for the implementation of the National C-IED strategy (2023)
Organization of and participation in expert panel discussion
Participation and presentation at the NATO Center of Excellence (CoE) Lessons Learned workshop, Madrid, May 2023
Co-organization of and participation in the ‘Multi-stakeholder workshop on the complexities of commercial explosives leakages’, 30-31 August 2021, Accra (Ghana)
Member of the CCW APII group of experts: participation in group discussions and presentations at the UN (Geneva) in 2021 and 2022
Co-organization and participation in the ‘Atelier portant sur la problématique des Engins Explosifs Improvisés’, 24-25 November 2021, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Organization of a conference as part of the Open End art project, MEG (Geneva), 30 September 2016
Academic background
Master’s in development studies: specialization in Security Sector Reform (SSR)
Law degree: specialization in International Law and International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
BA Honours Degree in History: specialization in genocides and migration
BA in History and Art History
Technical knowledge
Data Collection and Analysis training
EOD Level 2
Weapons Intelligence Team (WIT) training
Result-based management
Language skills
French and English fluent
German written and spoken
Afrikaans spoken
Arabic basic notions
Bosnian basic notions